Wednesday, 2 October, 2013: Allphones Arena will be hosting two One Direction shows on Sunday, 6 October and would like to ensure all ticket holders are aware of the very high volume of activity occurring in Sydney Olympic Park that day which also includes the NRL Grand Final at ANZ Stadium and the EB Games Expo at Sydney Showground.
Extra traffic, road closures and parking availability will affect all ticket holders coming to the venue and special arrangements have been put in place by Sydney Olympic Park to assist our attendees.
A map of the Sydney Olympic Park precinct with includes pick up zone instructions and tips to help our attendees on the day can be downloaded from www.allphonesarena.com.au/~/media/Acer%20Arena/Files/one_direction_flyer.pdf
All attendees who will be driving to the precinct are urged to arrive early to avoid delays. Parking will be in high demand and will fill early. For all attendees who will be dropping off or picking passengers up, there will be limited access to the roads immediately around Allphones Arena, as road closures will be in place for the major event buses.
A special drop off and pick up zone will be available for customers attending the One Direction concerts Access is via Australia Ave and Grand Parade. Parking is limited to 15 minutes in the drop off and pick up zone and rangers will be monitoring the area. Sydney Olympic Park have put together a video which contains detailed instructions on how to use the drop off/pick up area during the One Direction concerts on 6 October which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPH8d5dC7tA.
A suggested meeting point after the concert is at Gate 3 on Olympic Boulevard which is only a short walk from the drop off and pick up zone (see map).
** Attendees are also reminded that mobile phone coverage in the area may not be available at various times throughout the day as with all major events, due to the large number of people attempting to access the network. Concert goers are encouraged to make plans ahead of time if meeting friends and family to avoid any distress.
Further, in depth, information can be found at http://www.allphonesarena.com.au/1d.
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