To the Coogee Bay Hotel (once known as Selina’s) in Sydney is where the van was headed. I have to say “Sydney” for location purposes ’cause The Radiators tour this country so much! Like last week they were in Cairns! So off to Coogee Bay Hotel where The Radiators were a part of an Australian Day Celebration of Australian Bands. On the menu tonight was Keven Borich, Mal Eastick, Bondi Cigars, The Radiators and The Angels Band.
In the Radiators van tonight they had the company of Myself, Paul (Hydge) the Rad’s 2IC Road Crew, and Geoff’s youngest son Mitch and his mate Adam. Spirits were high. The night before The Radiators had played a show. There was Brian did not have much to say in the van most of the journey.
Yet as we drew closer to where they were going to play with their old rivals the Angels Band (though Doc Neeson-less), I began to see a boyishness appear in Brian (singer), and also too in Fess (lead guitarist), and when we arrived and met up with the other two, Geoff (bass guitar) and Mark (drummer), they also appeared thus. Yep, you bet a boyishness, AND a natural desire to be the best they could be. Youthfulness may be more the word. Confident.
The rooms tonight were in the new accommodation wing at the Coogee Bay Hotel behind the venue itself. This is where the “before the show bit” takes place. The guys were catching up with each other and friends dropping in, the footy was on the telly, drinks were on ice in a huge tub on the floor, and the room buzzed with that wonderful ambience of laughter, drinks clinking around and light conversation. There was, however, quite an unusual and long walk to the stage door area from the room. We gave ourselves enough time and when ready all made our way to the venue itself, making sure to keep an eye on someone ahead who knew the way. I’ve found this part sometimes quite exciting. Yeah, “Spinal Tapp” at times, but always fodder for a dam I found myself setting out on the trek with Fess, Brian, Mitch and Adam, yet not far behind another meandering group. But we made it, and so it seemed the others did too. I like to keep a discreet body count in case a search party is required. The Radiators were on next and not long from now. So. . . . The Unique Sound of the Radiators is Fess’s baby. Fess went down into the venue before the show to check things out. I went with him. He had concerns as to who was in charge of the Sound Desk for tonight’s event and who would glorify or crucify their Sound? He walked through to the Sound & Lighting Desk and I followed a few paces behind. A lady to my right said to her friend “that’s Fess from the Radiators”. Alright! As we moved through to the back middle of the floor, it soon became clear to Fess who it was. He seemed to It’s well crafted. One of the Master Craftsmen involved in this process is Bob. His knows the Radiators Sound so well, and Bobby is trusted completely to ensure they get the best sound available or possible. Bob is a great guy too. He allows me to leave my bag safe under his mixing desk so I can go and dance etc. Though really, what man wouldn’t allow a long haired lanky 6ft lady bob up and down at his feet in the darkness under his desk? That sorted, we made our way to back stage and out onto the balcony once again. I was really excited before the show this night. As I mentioned earlier, I knew the song set list that The Radiators were serving up for their guests tonight. I have experienced this very show for near 2 years now, and the anticipation STILL sends shivers through me. Let’s be real here, to be honest, “I just can’t wait”. It’s such a high! The music makes me feel goooood! Though Be he would be misunderstanding me greatly I Their music and sound makes me feel good! It’s a turn-on, a high and an uplifting escape. They are all handsome, mature sexy men up there on the stage, all excelling at what each individually do best, and bloody kick-ass whilst they are at it. So it’s such a bonus whilst experiencing this powerful and easily It’s a Performance rather. It’s Beautiful. (Again, don’t think this description would pass the “spit” test either).
Show time drew near, all outside on the balcony in the cool talking and catching up. With events like these where more than a few bands are playing, there is then know such a thing as an “all areas stage pass”. This all important stage pass will enable you to move around the It was nearing time for the Radiators to go on, I stood beside But still, . . . . .how easily I can innocently and unintentionally be a Twit! I didn’t mean to sound like a prat and I do apologise. Okay, it’s SHOWTIME! Yeeeeeeeeee! Haaaaaaaaaa! All said our “see ya’s out there” and lifting feet well, wound our way behind the stage curtains and sharp left down some steep stairs and out into the Venue. As I stood side of the floor, the intro song is playing. This song is played as the lead up piece whilst the guys take their stage and prepare themselves. One of the guys quoted this moment as being quite a mystical time. A special time of unity and camaraderie. The song playing is Wayne Cornell JR and His Orchestra’s Swing version of The Radiators famous song “Comin’ Home”. I’ll NEVER know this space of the moment I’m referring to, and nor do I ever really want to. Because like any good fantasy, the excitement lies in the imagination. Wayne Cornell is Radiator family, and was with them tonight. And this young man is successful and a genius. He commands a ten-piece orchestra and using Classic Australian Check his website www.waynecornelljr.com , and you’ll find his tour dates. I really hope he comes to a town near you, I guarantee you’ll enjoy the experience. Tonight however, being a different event, toward the end if the song it was turned down, and out bursts Sydney’s 2mmm radio announcer, the Legendary Rob Duckworth! Rob and the Rad’s go WAY back together, and tonight he was MC and proudly brought home the Radiators. Earlier, I saw him in a jovial conversation with Fess and heard them discussing There was one year the Radiators performed just over 365 shows As Rob and the intro song finish, all lights go down to black, the sounds of seagulls and surf echo through the house. With the first sound the lights illuminate the men all clad in their dark sunglasses as Geoff yells out “Let’s hit the beach!” The crowd, needing to hear only the first few bars of their legendary wonder riff, all surged forward out of the shadows to fill the dance floor and whole downstairs area and then back up again to the shadows themselves. Yes, “Summer Holiday” will do that every time! These men who now stood before me upon the stage, who have somehow grown larger than life, proceed to spark and crackle with that Magical energy, THEIR energy, for they ARE the Magician’s here tonight. It’s gutsy, punchy and raunchy. So when all conditions are right like tonight, I try to stay in the moment and absorb all of it, as if it’s my very first show and as if it might perhaps be my last. This energy is delicious to be around and most of all to watch and experience. This song “Summer Holiday” alone, first one in the ring tonight, has already blown minds, they know, they smirk, for THEY know Mind you, this IS all only my observations. The guys themselves are quite oblivious to, nor care about “who” they are, and wouldn’t waste valuable kitchen-time in the discussion of it. On occasions like tonight when this special set list is presented, it is done so on a platter! Like watching a whole bunch of people get punched in the stomach at once. This is what happened again tonight as each and every song blasted out it’s heralding signature riff and the impact of everyone synchronized with their song recognition and their shared thrill and disbelief that they were about to hear yet another legendary hit song, would blow them side ways. It’s in awe and stunned amazement that most folk experience the Radiators. I believe it’s due to their past battle with the publicity machine, and what not, but for some reason, just like myself at my first gig awhile back, we all hear each song played and KNOW them to be hits but we DIDN’T KNOW THE RADIATORS DID THEM! Around me again tonight I hear the predicted words excitedly scream “My god! I didn’t know And there’s more! You’ll find that when you hear them you’ll recall I was more than surprised I was jaw dropped! Song after song I seemed to know and NOT know that the Radiators did them! Watching this same response from the crowd around me tonight, I am returned once again to that first incredible high of acknowledgement. And you think I’m just dancin’ down there? I took a few photos from down on the floor but the stage seemed unusually high, so with my trusty “all areas pass” I dashed up to the mezzanine level. It opened up into a spacious uncrowded area where only the privileged “all areas passed” folk could go. I was SO pleased so see they both got their passes, so they could rage out in what was like your own lounge room, and watch The Radiators down below. Couldn’t have been After what seemed like a delicious forever, yet rudely no time at all, The Radiators experience was coming to a close. Knowing this, the three of us dashed downstairs heading for the dance floor. By the time the last few songs of the show come, the energy amongst the packed danced floor is something NOT to be missed! It’s an unpredictable time of the night where almost anything can happen, especially the nights like tonight when, not only are all their songs back to back hits, but in the very placement OF those hits, seems to me (please correct me if I’m wrong here) that they manipulate and build the energy in the house and as the crowd response returns this same energy to twist back upon itself and then back out to the crowd again. When all conditions are right, it’s a very powerful experience, and herein lies the upliftment of what they Radiate. They pull it in, weave it, kiss it and slam it back out through their pungent punchy valve amps! You sit there thinking this girl is exaggerating? Passion is the energy that The Radiators seem to have a secret key to magically open. They weave it and swirl it however they please whilst the crowd surge with it’s flow and the whole “right and here and now” suddenly becomes “all there is”, and let’s face it, all that really matters”. So, by the last few songs in the swirl of their spell casting, the power is just tangible and it’s vortex is Brian. You may think he’s just doing a great job singing and looking good, but I see him moving around and controlling an awfully HUGE amount of raw energy that would light a small town! And so what happens to this energy as it is coaxed and built to a crescendo of expression, say the last few songs? Almost absolutely anything can go here, and thus is why we have all three gone down to experience this crescendo of energy. And didn’t it go off tonight! The Radiators signed off. Kapow! Reality. The magic that had just held the crowd captive in a timeless space, was now slowly dissipating, leaving the fine sparking mists of illusion to hover and disappear, making all question if the Rad’s really had been here? The after the show bit is the next bit. Rad’s entourage split and move in all directions for a period of time, this time being for however long it takes for the guys to come down, cool down and adjust to reality again. Bit like what’s going on outside with everyone else really. But it’s NOT like everyone else, again, this is another “Inner Sanctum” moment, and so for this short time, as and after they come off stage, it’s strictly closed ranks to near most. The dressing room doors did not stay closed for too long tonight. The Angel’s Band was in fine form, and we were lucky enough to watch 3 of their songs before we had to gather the troupes to leave. Brian’s long trek back home to the Blue Mountains after EVERY show is always taken into consideration. About 4 years ago, before I went to a Radiators show and got bitten with the “Rad’s addiction”, I had asked Fess about how he felt about playing all these years doing the same songs etc blah blah and did he tire of it? You are taking into consideration that this was pre-Rad’s bitten – so I know NOW it was a STUPID question but not then! Fess just beamed as his face lit up. “No. GOD no” he replied. “I STILL get to do what I LOVE to do more than anything else in the world BECAUSE of those hits! And”, he added, “Each venue we play is different. Different acoustics, different crowd, different vibe, and ALWAYS after 27 years touring this country, each night there is always different friends rocking up to a show out of the blue”. He finalized it & said, “So, no Bren, I never tire of it at God, how I DO understand that now. By Brenda Joy Star!
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