Pic of the Day; Covergirl Viviana Soldano Appears in Edition 107 – The Summer Blast Edition


Appearing in Edition 107 – The Summer Blast Edition

– Viviana Soldano –
Viviana Soldano ! –
AutoBabes.com.au Edition 107

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See more of Viviana in Edition 62, Edition 66 , Edition 70 , Edition 73 , Edition 77 , Edition 79, Edition 83 , Edition 88, Edition 90 , Edition 95 , Edition 97 ,Edition 100, Edition 107

Visit Viviana here;

Viviana Soldano | Vivianasoldano.com

and her charity here;


Viviana Soldano


Country of Origin

Career Highlight
Internationally published model, Many commercial engagements, ranking top 5 in WBFF competitions, being CoverGirl for all autobabes editions. My charity amorefordogs.org & my website

If you were a car
A Ferrari Enzo , fast, strong, and sexy/beautiful.. 😉

Favourite Car
I have two favorites, my Bentley Continental GT and my Porsche I !

I like a smart gentleman, with a sense of humor, passion for animals and a total romantic man !

Dogs & Dog Rescue, Modeling, Photography!

Animal Cruelty!

Greatest Ambition
To rescue as many dogs as possible with my charity for my dogs


Appears in
Edition 62, 66, 70, 73, 77, 79, 83, 88, 90, 95, 97, 100  & 107 Cover Girl

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