The long awaited Ayi Jihu single has finally arrived. The artist referred to as ‘The Chinese Madonna’ has not released a new track for almost a year concentrating and her philanthropic endeavors and her Fear Chaser film. Ayi fans have been waiting a long time to see what this trailblazing artist would do next.
It just would not be Ayi Jihu or Shlepp Entertainment if they did anything anyone expected them to do now would it, and once again they stay true to their history and surprise as all again. Not that we should be surprised from a Chinese artist that coins a word no other international Chinese artist can, Independent. An artist that has broken the rules and made her own path from day one.
The new single is called 'It's Magic'and it includes 5 mixes all together. 'So what's so surprising about that I hear you ask? Well for an artist well known for her provocative lyrics and style, and at a time when music is getting faster and more dance orientated, Ayi has opted to release a love song with pop overtones and under 120bpm. It's Magic is not what many would have expected from Ayi Jihu. There is no effort here to 'Keep up with the Jones's'. This is a beautiful, well crafted song about love, emotion, commitment and loyalty.
A scene from Ayi Jihu’s it’s Magic video
The video is a little different too. It’s a mini movie, telling a story, with a twist. In order to get her story across Ayi opted to make two versions of the video, the longer one fleshing the story out a bit more and filling in some of the gaps one cannot fill in 3.30 seconds. A lot of thought and passion has gone into this track from Ayi. The presentation of the music artwork and website all have a distinct movie look. When we questioned Ayi about this she said, She did not want to just make a song and throw it out there, she wanted to make a statement whether people listened to it or not.
You will never get to far away from RnB with Ayi and even with it’s definite pop style, you can still hear and feel the RnB in this track. It’s one of those songs that if you listen to it more than once, you know it and you are singing it, like it or not. We feel quite a few people will like this and we feel even more people will associate themselves with the story and sentiment that Ayi is trying to get across.
For those of you who like their music with a a 4 to the floor vibe, don’t panic. Ayi Jihu linked up with the Trinity Band and their remix of the song takes it in a whole other direction while keeping the sentiment, it goes from a more melancholy affair to a an upbeat dance and sing along happier track. Featuring live music and vocals from the Trinity Band who have come a long way since they almost grabbed the top prize on Sky’s Must be the Music’.
Add to that a sultry Blues and Soul Duet remix featuring Chicago born new comer Rapheal Rar Miller and you have a package that has a little bit of something for everyone.
It’s Magic has a lot going on. The whole project kinda takes you back to the days when singles meant something and artist did not throw one out every couple of weeks as seems to be the trend these days. It even has a trailer!
Whether or not the public will take to the way Ayi Jihu and Shlepp Records are presenting their music remains to be seen, one thing for sure is you get more than value for money here. Do we expect Ayi Jihu to change and do what everyone else is doing in the way they are doing it…..Nope, She never really has, so why should she start now? There is a lot to Ayi Jihu’s it’s Magic indeed, you only have to visit the website to see the whole look and feel is not like any other. You get the story, the making of, find out who did what, and much, much more. See for yourself. Visit www.loveismagic.co.uk we think you will be more than a little surprised again.
Yep it seems that Shlepp and Ayi have thought of just about everything on this single release. There truly is something for everyone here. For those of you who like your Ayi Old skool, there is a really cool video you can watch here called Music Motion Dance. This is for those who like the more raw edgy Ayi of Smak Dat, the Girl who took Macau by Storm and has since gone on to be on the verge of Mega success worldwide. We can only assume Ayi wanted to put this in to remind her fans that As she grows she will never abandon her roots, her love of Ragga, RnB, Hip Hop and all things Urban. Good to know Ayi. Click on any of the Screen shots below to watch the video
Ayi Jihu Scene from Music Motion Dance video on Love is magic website
Ayi Jihu Scene from Music Motion Dance video on Love is magic website
Ayi Jihu Scene from Music Motion Dance video on Love is magic website
Ayi Jihu Scene from Music Motion Dance video on Love is magic website
Ayi Jihu Scene from Music Motion Dance video on Love is magic website
It Just would not be Ayi Jihu if there was not some time of Charity of Philanthropy involved. Ayi Jihu is one of the few artist we know that seems to marry her ‘Giving back’ side and her Artist side very well. She has being doing so from day one, which leads one to believe that this is who she really is rather than something she feels she has to do for appearance sake. This time it’s Help for Heroes and once you listen to the song and more importantly watch the promo video (better yet the Extended video) You will understand more why Ayi has chosen this particular Charity to work with on this project.
Chinese Star Ayi Jihu styled by Angela DeMontigny for Young Native Fashion
Yep Ayi is back in the Musical limelight again with a whole new look and swagga. Her new style courtesy of Native Canadian Designer Angela DeMontigny (designer of the new FearChaser® Costume for the FearChaser® Film) suites her well.
You will be able to listen to all the mixes, watch all the videos. You even get to sing-a-long to a Karaoke version if you want. There are great deals on offer on the website, you can purchase from Itunes or your normal online store or you can take advantage of one of the many deals on offer direct from Shlepp which includes bonus singles, wallpapers and lots of other cool stuff.
It’s Magic is released on April the 1st 2013 You can order your copy now on Pre-sale, or you can get the single on the site with one of the many special offers available.
Every Day it seems thousands of people release a single somewhere, every now and then something comes along that grabs your attention a little bit more than the norm and this is one of those things. The whole project from the music to the videos, images, is classy, well thought out and expansive. For once it seems you will get more than Value for hard earned cash. Do yourself a favour and gotowww.loveismagic.co.uk You may well get a surprise.
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Really Great Web Site You Built Here! Keep Up The Super Great Work!. Nice magic Ayi