First Name: shiona
Last Name: nguyen
Date of Birth:
19th November
Place of Birth:
houston texas
Current Address:
cooking, eating good food, working out, my dogs!, family guy and martin, reading
Greatest Ambition:
be a great woman of influence
What is important to you about modeling?
to me, modeling is all about the art. I believe I can use modeling as a vehicle to be a woman of influence and help others around me.
Complete this sentence: “Life is like (Don’t say “Box of Chocolates”, be original)
one big roller coaster!
If we could give you anything at all … your greatest wish … what would that be?
anything? I would say wisdom.
What would be the ideal theme to photograph you in?
there is no ideal theme for me. it depends on my mood and the whole feel that im trying to get out of the shoot.
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