Pic of the Day; Giselle Fainelli Features in Edition 108 – The New Year 24 Edition


Appearing in Edition 108 – The New Year ’24 Edition

– Giselle Fainelli –
Giselle Fainelli ! –
AutoBabes.com.au Edition 108

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See more of Giselle in Edition 108 and in her PlayboyPus profile 


Giselle Fainelli


Country of Origin

Career Highlight
Being successful in the automotive engineering world, whilst also appearing on cover of Playboy in Italy ________________

Favorite Self Quote 
Don’t imagine that I was the classic `Boss’s Wife’! I earned my way up from the bottom starting with taking cars to the car wash .. 😉

Favorite Car
Any sports car that is new!

Key to success
I am a woman who wanted to make a name for herself in the world of automotive engines and I’m a foreigner. Many didn’t like that, but I kept going and many later changed their minds!


Prejudice and judgement!

Greatest Ambition
To pave the way and serve as example that women can be and can do whatever we want!


Appears in
Edition 108 Feature Girl

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