West Coast Swimsuit Calendar Model Courtney Piercy hostess at the Playboy party debut in Australia !

It’s not every day that a girl gets to be an enchanting forest Angel. And not every day that she gets to attend a Playboy party !

But for the 2012 autobabes West Coast Swimsuit Model of the Year Courtney Piercy, those two events came together in June with some excitement !

Courtney, who appeared on the cover of the 2012 West Coast Swimsuit Model Calendar, is based in Western Australia and models part time.

“I applied to be part of the first official playboy party through LEX promotions and StyleFx and then I was selected by Playboy to be a body painted hostess”, she says excitedly, “I was so excited about being part of the first Playboy Midsummer Night’s Dream party in Australia. It was such an honor and privilege to have been chosen. This amazing opportunity meant so very much to me and it’s an amazing feeling to know I was involved in such an incredible event!”

Courtney shared a marquee with our Edition 37 Cover Girl, Emma Brown, and fellow model Elizabeth Parrish.

“We were painted as beautiful black angels, each colored angels had there own specific design. The designs were chosen by Playboy and the artists were amazing in applying
the style!”

“Our duties included looking after our marquee guests, getting lots of photos, and basically to have a good time, mingle, chat and party with the guests. It was so much fun

Of course a Playboy party wouldn’t be complete without some bunnies, and this party was no exception.

Celebrity Playboy Bunnies Irina Voronia, Summer Altice and Kimberly Phillips had flown in from the USA to add their own enchantment to the Forest Angels.

“I was extremely excited to meet the US playboy playmates. Although they were busy most of the night taking pictures and mingling with guests, I managed to get a couple of
photos, they were such beautiful girls”.

“I also got to meet Australia’s Playboy ambassador, Sheridan Fisher who is an inspiring and down to earth girl”.

“Imogen lovell is also another gorgeous girl that was at the party, who is beautiful inside and out! I also saw Dermott, the Hawthorn footy player and Brian Mcfadden at the party”.

“I am so happy to have been a part of this night and hope so much to further myself from this experience”.

“I know that the photos & video from the night is going to reach a wide market within America so this will be great exposure for all girls involved:) hopefully they’ll have another party in Australia sometime soon :)”

Best of luck Courtney.


. Related articles;

Edition 37 Cover Girl, Emma Brown tops the Playboy Party debut

Playboy Midsummer Night’s Dream Party

Playboy’s new Fashion Collection Launches in Melbourne


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