Bathurst to open 2021 Radical Australia Cup season
2021 Radical Australia Cup
18 December, 2020
After a challenging year that saw just a single round campaigned in the 12th season of the Radical Australia Cup, season 2021 promises a welcome return to racing for the many teams who have been starved of competition this year, starting with a return to the category’s most subscribed venue – Mount Panorama at Bathurst – to kick off the new year.
Like so much of the sport, the 2020 season suffered a setback almost immediately following the conclusion of the opening round at Sydney Motorsport Park with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, and with varying levels of restrictions in place in individual states, a return to competition for the national series was ruled out mid-year with the focus turning to 2021.
“We looked at a range of options to keep the season going, but it was untenable in the end, and with safety paramount we had no choice other than to switch our focus to 2021,” Radical Australia Cup category rights holder Chris Medland explained.
“Karl Reindler (Radical Australia Cup Motorsport Series Manager) has been in constant contact with Motorsport Australia and the various circuits since March, looking for any option we could find to continue our 2020 season, but as soon as it was clear that wasn’t possible, we started discussions about 2021, so were in the box seat from the start, and despite the ongoing presence of the virus, and the late Supercar calendar announcement, we have the foundations of a strong calendar next year.”
As it did between 2014 and 2019, Bathurst will host the opening round of the Radical Australia Cup season, although not on the traditional Bathurst 12 Hour weekend, the first event instead coming with the annual Bathurst 6 Hour over Easter, a slot originally scheduled on the 2020 calendar.
From Bathurst the Cup heads to the home of Radical Australia – Sydney Motorsport Park – for the first of what could be two events at the 3.93-kilometre western Sydney venue. The first event – which has been confirmed – will see the Cup re-join the Shannons Motorsport Australia Championships on the first weekend in May, the second event however is still to be officially signed off, although it is proposed for the first weekend of September alongside the Australian Racing Driver’s Club.
The final confirmed event is set for The Bend Motorsport Park in South Australia, a venue that has proven popular since it was first introduced to the Cup in 2018, the development in 2020 of a small but competitive group of South Australian Radical owners adding promise of another strong field, the event coming as part of the Shannons Series in mid-October.
Whilst Bathurst, Sydney Motorsport Park (May) and The Bend are confirmed, there are three potential dates yet to be locked in; Wakefield Park (June), Sydney Motorsport Park (September) and Sandown (September) – two of those events likely to conclude the 2021 calendar.
“With a growing number of competitors from Victoria, we’re keen to compete down there, however we can’t confirm final details of a date just yet, but we are working closely with Motorsport Australia,” Chris Medland confirmed.
“We will continue to push for the best calendar we can establish to suit our customer base, and make an announcement soon with respect to the final dates, but we’re excited about what is a very solid program – which might not be the perfect fit in an ideal world, but for season 2021 it is very much about consolidation after what has been a challenging year.”
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