Swimsuit model Alessandra Lexii appears in our first series of Calendars for 2025. We know these are highly anticipated each year, and we’re excited to kick off the series with Alessandra first.
There are two versions for Alessandra for 2025; the autobabes branded Swimsuit Calendar, and the plAIboy Magazine branded Nude Glamour Calendar featuring Alessandra in a very sexy shoot with a Formula 1 racer.
Each calendar is ;
- Full A3 Sized Poster Calendars
- Printed on quality 200 gsm Gloss coated paper
- Printed using a 4 * UV protected ink system
- Hanging Spiral at top
- Each with Calendar Month on the photo
- No seems, No offset, No folds. Just a beautiful, full colour photo.
- These are the best calendars in the business and that’s why they’ve been so highly anticipated each year, perfectly timed for an excellent XMas gift!
Each is USD$25 / AUD$39.99 and available now as below;
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