Promo Video for Edition 22 – The Halloween Edition

Video for Edition 22 `Halloween Edition’ – Full Version. 


Distribution includes i-Pod, YouTube and Social Networks. 

To download to your i-Pod, 

1) plug in the device, 

2) go to i-Tunes and 

3) search on Autobabes. 

It will appear under “PodCasts”. 

Crank up the sound on this one ! 

In the video are the Thrillers Jewell on Cover, Margot Waterhouse and Angelina Babbage in feature…
Also featured are the A1GP, Audi Project R16, the Destiny Tours Hearse
& many more … 

Thanx to our MotorSport Correspondent, Chris Dobie for the compilation ! 

Full i-Magazine available FREE with registration at … 

Special thanx to all involved. 


Welcome to AutoBabes Edition 22 i-Magazine!

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