Name: Erin Hansen
Place of Birth: Canada
Current Address: Saskatchewan Canada
Date of Birth: dec 3
Likes: i am an eyes girl! nice eyes always draw me in, and of course good hygiene
Dislikes: bad hygiene, and rotten attitudes total turn off
Greatest ambition: to make centerfold in playboy, i need a working visa and i am golden! but i have done well for myself i am an international swim suit model with wet peach!
Whats important to me about modeling is achieving my goals and doing the best i can! modeling changes day to day so if you arent changing with it then your out!
life is like a gift each day is a new gift and challenge!
if you could give me anything at all it would be to be in playboy in any country, i don’t care what country the magazine is amazing and i fit in it beautifully!!!!!
the ideal theme to photograph me in would be on the beach rolling around in the sand and water doing a sensual sexy shoot!
i found out about you guys on a routine model search and bam!!!here i am!
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