Name: Tegan Dean Cox
Date of Birth: 27th January
Place of Birth: Western Australia
Current Address: WA
Likes: Harley Davidson motorbikes, anything geeky (Big Bang Theory, Gears of War, Tetris), old school rock – give me a little Bruce Springsteen any day!
Dislikes: People who write “your” when they mean “you’re”.
Greatest Ambition: At the moment I have three big goals, I’d like to get into the army reserves, finish my nursing degree and get either a full page spread in a mens magazine or a cover.
What is important to you about modeling ?
Modeling gives you a chance to see yourself in a different light, it’s like acting, you have a character and you can go nuts with it while the camera flashes. My favourite part is seeing the finished product after waiting a few weeks, it’s a complete confidence booster!
Complete this sentence: “Life is like (Don’t say “Box of Chocolates”, be original)
“Life is like a playlist on shuffle, you never know what’s coming up next… but it’s still worth waiting to see”
If we could give you anything at all … your greatest wish … what would that be ?
A 1976 Chevrolet Camaro – in yellow please
What would be the ideal theme to photograph you in ?
I’d love to try something new, I’ve done the bikini beach shoot and the garage theme so maybe a “wet” theme, wet hair, shirt, outside somewhere.
Where did you hear about us ?
I saw your facebook page when a mutual friend liked it.
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