First Name: Charlee
Last Name: Carlton
Date of Birth:
23rd December
Place of Birth:
Russellville, AR
Current Address:
Clarksville, AR
sense of humor and pretty eyes
bad attitude and body odor
Greatest Ambition:
To obtain multiple degrees and continue to succeed in modeling.
What is important to you about modeling?
I already have social sites that I use to build my image, so I haven’t had to invest in a personal website. I really enjoy modeling because I love to feel beautiful and be around people. It’s a fun career to be in and form connections.
Complete this sentence: “Life is like (Don’t say “Box of Chocolates”, be original)
…a poker game. It’s not what you’re given, it’s how you use it.
If we could give you anything at all … your greatest wish … what would that be?
A brand new Ford Fusion in blue
What would be the ideal theme to photograph you in?
Jungle theme
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