– six7films.com
Does speed really kill?
Sometimes, yes, but when the speed limits are set artificially low, and enforcement is targeted to those areas where the limit is far below traffic speed, then all the speed kills campaign does is keep drivers complacent about paying fines that don’t improve safety.
In this video, we investigate the culture and science surrounding speed enforcement in BC, coupled with my trademark Simpsons, Supertroopers, and Family Guy references.
And yes, I’m the FightFightHST guy.
Comments: chris at six7films dot com.
Hatemail: noreply@ebay.com
For our home Australian visitors to this page, click this link to see the Australian Police response to our buddies at Top Gear’s call for similar increases on our own freeways and highways ;
One of the most intelligent presentations I’ve seen to date! Unfortunately intelligence and intelligent argument doesn’t always count. Have a look at the link above to see what the Australian Police thought of our good buddies at Top Gear Australia and their similar calls to raise the speed limits on Aussie highways.