Perth based model Jessica Jane appears on the cover of Edition 49 – The Halloween 13 Edition as the alluring vampire princess !
Interview and Feature Spread:
Quick Stats:
- Birth date: 01-08-1986
- StarSign: Leo
- Dimensions (Bust, Hips, Waist): 34-26-34
- Country of Origin: Australia
- Likes: Horse Riding
- Dislikes: Bad drivers, when the tube of condensed milk runs out
- Current Occupation: Promotional Model
- Greatest Ambition: To be in a Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show
Tell us a little something about your family, how many brothers and sisters, where you grew up etc ;
I grew up in the Perth hills. I have a brother and sister, both younger, both super cheeky and both totally amazing.
What are your Career Highlights to date and where are you hoping to go still ?
Being flown to Ubud to do shoot the cover of Emvee Magazine. I got to spend time with the king of Ubud. He watched while I did a photo-shoot in his palace. It was a very surreal experience that I’ll never forget.
Why did you decide to model ?
I just fell into it, was always pushed into it, and luckily it’s something I really enjoy and hopefully can keep on doing it.
What are your ambitious and passions for life ?
To continue modelling and get as much out of it as I can while I’m young. I’d also love to start my own promotions company eventually.
Tell us about any travels and how that has helped you grow as a person, or just had fun ?
I recently went and saw the snow for the first time, I got to do photoshoots in the snow in my bikini. You would think its freezing but it wasn’t too bad..until it started raining, then I froze.
What is the most exotic place you’ve ever been ?
Definitely Bali since its the only exotic place Iv been. Does Bali count? I did some amazing photo-shoots there and met some really unique friends along the way.
Since this is a Halloween Edition, we have to ask, what is the scariest place you’ve ever been ?
Honestly? Going through that stupid royal show spooky ride. I don’t think I’ve been so terrified in my life!
If you were a vampire, what type would you be and why ?
If I was a vampire, I’d be one from True Blood ; they look like they have a lot of fun and I totally want in on that!
What is your Favorite car and why ?
A black Lamborghini for sure! Why not, right?
What was your first car ?
2006 Subaru WRX
Are you excited to be in AutoBabes ?
I’m SO excited to be in Autobabes. It’s the first car magazine I’ve been in, so this is very exciting to be here. It’s also one of my fave car mags so makes it even more exciting, plus I got the cover! Doesn’t get better than that.
If you could have one super power, what would it be … ?
To be a genius, I’d be able to invent cool stuff and make lots of money!!
Tell us about your ideal romantic situation, what kind of a guy do you like ?
I love a tall manly man, someone who can be soft and gentle, but at the same time protective and sexy!
The Boy or the Toy (ie Love or Career / cars / money etc) ..
Definitely the boy
You can see more of Jessica and stay up to date with her news and activities at her Facebook page below;
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