One More Day – 2015 Barcelona Test, Day Three


Romain Grosjean drove for his final day of pre-season testing today, completing 116 laps in the E23 Hybrid at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya. Romain ran a comprehensive programme including a race simulation, clocking a best lap time of 1min 24.200secs.

Fast Facts:
Track: Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Spain, 4.7km
Chassis: E23-02
Weather: Chilly, warm, chilly. Ambient 5°C – 18°C Track 9°C – 30°C
Programme: Set-up assessments, race simulation, aero evaluations
Laps Completed: 116
Classification: P5, 1:24.200
Interruptions: None

What’s Next?
Pastor Maldonado will take to the wheel of the E23 for the final day of pre-season testing tomorrow.

Romain Grosjean:
“That was a long day and the track conditions varied quite a lot. This morning went pretty well, we had a lot of work to do with some aero and set-up tasks as we’re trying to test as many things as possible before Melbourne. In the afternoon we ran a race simulation and other performance evaluations. There’s potential for improvement in some areas but we have plenty of data to get the car more to where we want it to be for Melbourne. I can’t wait to for the season to start.”

Alan Permane, Trackside Operations Director:
“Today we completed another extensive programme with the E23 running reliably throughout. Track conditions were quite difficult for establishing a baseline as the track temperature varied a lot through the day, but nevertheless we ran for over 100 laps and have a lot more information relating to the various aero and set-up configurations. We have quite a long night ahead of us as tomorrow is the final day of testing where we hope to make further progress with Pastor at the wheel.”



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