Pic Of The Day: Erna Gunnthorsdottir !

    -  Appearing in Edition 44 - The World Swimsuit Edition 














- Erna Gunnthorsdottir -
Bathing in History ! -
AutoBabes.com.au Edition 44

See More of Erna Gunnthorsdottir @ autobabes.com.au

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See more of Erna in Edition 44 ..




Erna Gunnthorsdottir


Country of Origin

Career Highlight
Being published in Europe, USA and well now Australia with autobabes.com.au ...

First Car
Ford Probe V6 ________________

Favourite Car 
A McLaren F1 !! I hate Rowan Atkinson for crashing his ! What was he thinking! Or not thinking... if I would ruin a car like that I would never get over it

Biggest Turn-On
I'm not really that romantic & get embarrassed by emotional moments; Icelandic people are like that. It's not in our culture to wear our emotions on our sleeve. I like when my fiancé just hugs me or holds my hand when I'm not expecting it or looks at me with in a certain way- something simple like that.

Exercising, studying (I'm an honor student), chocolate, history, archaeology, art, photo editing, cars

Shopping, arrogance, flying and envy

Greatest Ambition
To be the best person I can be, a great nurse and would like to be in playboy :)

Appears in
Edition 44, Feature Girl