Pic Of The Day: Emma Brown !

    -  Appearing in Edition 37 - The Swimsuit Style Edition 




- Emma Brown -
Livin' with StyleFX ! -
AutoBabes.com.au Edition 37

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Emma Brown


Country of Origin
Australia (Spanish Decent)

Career Highlight
Most major magazines, Swimwear model comps, Perth Street Car Magazine with my 420Hp Holden, and autobabes.com.au

If I were a Car
I'd be a transformer because I never know what form I'll take !

Favourite Car 
Black Lambo for sure

Biggest Turn-On
I like a `Man's Man!' .. a man who isn't afraid to get down and dirty, but who is still a gentleman ! 

Photographic and glam  modelling, driving V8's, the smell of fuel, my family and friends! 

Yapping dogs that bark constantly !

Greatest Ambition
To travel the world and live a happy life !

Appears in
Edition 37, Cover Girl